I loved this flash, excellent use of gradients, the animation was so smooth. Try your hand with Mario again, I know it'll be great!
I loved this flash, excellent use of gradients, the animation was so smooth. Try your hand with Mario again, I know it'll be great!
I might someday... but right now I got other flash to work on...
I liked it, but it was too short. Also, you should try FBF instead of tweens, it looks more natural.
All aboard the cock train!
That made it funny. The rest was OK... (Hey Fenix! Gimme some skin! Was good too.) but cock train made it truly awesome. Just one thing... you should've made the unicorn a Penicorn.
It was... bad. You have the potential to be a great sprite artist, thoguh. A tip... set the framerate to 24 fps.
Luv'd it
I made it go up a ppoint. W00t! Good job, I loved the korean voice acting.
Loved it
It jumped up, bit me in the ass, and showed me why my movies always get low scores. That was a great concept. Amazing. Five stars. Testicular Magazine, Starred
That was so funny... I ASSUMED it was spam, but it was funny. UNDERDOG!
700th review
That was amazing. I loved the mix of animation and sprites, especially Miyamoto's customs, overall well put together.
Age 28, Male
Hanover Park High School
New Jersey
Joined on 9/6/08